Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Threat Of The Cyber Threat - 1958 Words

Since the onset of the first packet switching event that many believe to be beginning of the internet, no other technology besides the printing press has ever transformed the ability to deliver information. Although the internet is used by a large percentage of the civilized world, few Americans realize how vital cyberspace is to our national infrastructure. Today, we are faced with even more threats although it has been a recognized problem since 2009, when President Barrack Obama said â€Å"The cyber threat is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation. It’s also clear that we’re not as prepared as we should be, as a government or as a country (Obama, 2009).† Every industry that operates in the United States is dependent on the internet for some aspect of their business. Commerce, transportation, financial institutions, military, as well as industrial control systems are all interconnected. This interconnectedness has created vulnerabilities within their infrastructure that have increasingly become targets of terrorists, script kiddies, foreign governments and hackers of all types. Cyber-attacks against Sony Pictures brought the vulnerabilities of poor cyber security policies to light. These attacks are nothing new but they appear to be getting more severe. According to James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, â€Å"Cyber threats to U.S. national and economic security are increasing in frequency, scale, sophistication, andShow MoreRelatedCyber Threats And The Cyber Threat1640 Words   |  7 Pages but these have also brought along unprecedented threats. Since the â€Å"Morris† worm in the 1980’s cyber threat has grown from isolated incidents to high profile attacks on major government and private organizations. Cyber threats can be classified broadly into three distinct areas – ï‚ · Cyber crime – intentional attacks carried out by individuals or groups of individuals with specific objectives of acquiring money, data or causing disruption. ï‚ · Cyber war – an attack conducted by a nation against anotherRead MoreCyber Threats931 Words   |  4 PagesTOP FIVE CYBER SECURITY THREATS FOR 2012 11 August 2012 ABSTRACT The ten cyber security threats in the IT world are boosts in mobile drives and in security tasks, increased C-suite targeting, growing use of social media that will contribute to personal cyber threats, being already infected, and everything physical can be digital. This paper discusses what these threats are, how to defeat and/or demonstrate proficiency in defeating the cyber threats, and the risingRead MoreCyber Threat Intelligence Based On Cyber Threats1612 Words   |  7 Pagesmitigating controls are key, which can be a trying negotiation between the CISO, Chief Technology Officer, Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI), Infrastructure Engineering, Audit and Assurance teams, and the Investment and Audit committees. How do you harness your entire organization to focus on a common agreed-upon list of key security controls? 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Therefore, the risks of being hacked are increasing, allowing hackers to attack mobile devices the same way as if they were doing it with a regular PC. Personal and professional information are more often stored on mobile devices therefore it is imperative to have our data secure. Security solutionsRead MoreCyber Security And The Cyber Threat763 Words   |  4 PagesUnfortunately, far two many organizations are unaware and unprepared to deal with the impact of the cyber-threat. With this in mine, security awareness training is economical and obvious choice for organization of all sizes. Many companies invest heavily in cyber security education programs for all employees to learn how to protect their computers and personal information and how to be aware of the cyber criminals that sour the Web in search of targets and vulnerabilities. For the most part the trainingRead MoreThe Threat Of Cyber Security1452 Words   |  6 Pagespurpose of this briefing is to: †¢ Clarify the importance of cyber security in marketing †¢ Educate employees on the importance of cyber security in the workplace †¢ Explain to marketer why they are targets of cyber security attacks †¢ Educate employees on how they can prevent cyber attacks Informing and educating employees on why cyber-attacks are becoming more prevalent and how to identify and prevent them gives an organization ease of mind. A cyber breach or attack is inevitable, however mitigating lossesRead MoreThe Threat Of Cyber Security4382 Words   |  18 Pages2013).These days it takes merely minutes for news to travel around the globe. Our airwaves are filled with tiny nuggets of information whooshing past us undetected; that is, until it is detected. In the 21st century, cyber security is an international issue. The threat of cyber warfare is very real and would be devastating beyond any conventional weapon imaginable. With the entire globe becoming more interconnected, an attack on online infrastructure could ground airplanes, control informationRead MoreThe Threat Of Cyber Terrorism1093 Words   |  5 PagesSolution Q. No. 2 The possible threat posed by cyber terrorism has motivated considerable alarm. Many security experts have exposed the danger of cyber terrorists hacking into government and remote computer systems and service areas of progressive economies. The possible threat is, indeed, very disturbing. So far, despite all the gloomy pre-dictions, no single example of real cyber terrorism has been recorded. This increases the question: about the threat? Psychological, political, and economicRead MoreThe Threat Of Cyber Attacks943 Words   |  4 PagesCyber-attacks are constantly becoming a critical issue for government systems and for businesses around the world. In fact, the cyber challenges that we see today play a huge political factor for government sectors. The U.S is constantly facing these cyber security threats that jeopardize America’s critical infrastructure and the freedoms that many Americans express online (Bucci, S., Rosenzweig, P., Inserra, D. 2013). These challenges that are taking a political factor can also be seen in other

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